Chums (#3) Kodachrome by Hesser and Hesser green LG24 box |
The Farmer's Daughter blue LG24 box |
The Future Champion [Kodachrome] by Mead Maddick LG24 box |
Golden Days (#2) blue LG24 box |
It's A Bargain red LG24 box |
Mount Shasta (portrait puzzle in landscape LG24 box) |
New England Winter Scene (Currier & Ives print) LG24 & LG19 boxes Winter Splendor (#2) (portrait puzzle) LG26 box
On The Trail LG24 box |
Pups At Play by Edmund Osthaus LG24 and LG18 boxes |
Prince And Princess (#2) [Kodachrome] by Mead Maddick blue LG24 box |
Winners LG24 & LG18 boxes |
Winter Afternoon by Constantin Westchiloff LG24 box (non-interlocking & interlocking) and LG18 box |
Anticipation by Joseph F. Kernan LG25 box |
By A Careless Intruder by Bolenbaugh red LG25 box |
The Country Store by M. de V. Lee LG25, LG20, & LG18 boxes |
Dairyland blue LG25 box |
Early Autumn (#2) red LG25 box |
First Snow Fall (#3) by Crane blue LG25 box |
Never Too Late To Learn by Harold Anderson blue LG25 box |
New Arrivals [Kodachrome] by Roberts
red LG25 box |
Old Tow Path blue LG25 box |
Pal O'Mine (Kodachrome) by Paul Parry blue LG25 box |
Soldiers Dream by Crane blue LG25 box |
The Spell Binder (Interlocking) by Stuart red & yellow LG25 box |
A Mixed Bouquet LG26 box |
Greatest Show On Earth LG40 box |