After The Bath by Mabel Rollins Harris
LG15 box |
Along The Highway by Marius Hubert Robert LG15 box |
Autumn Days (#2) LG15 box |
Aw, Be A Sport! by Charles Russell LG15 box |
By Mountain Waters LG15 box |
Cabin On The Seine LG15 box |
The Country Store LG15 box |
Exciting Hunt LG15 box |
Fawn's Playground by Walter Launt Palmer LG15 box |
The First Snowfall by W.M. Thompson LG15 box |
A Floral Symphony (#2) LG15 box |
Foiled By Bre'r Rabbit by Hy Hintermeister LG15 box |
Glorius Spring (#1) by Ernest Frederick LG15 box |
Grouse In Winter LG15 box |
The Home Guard LG15 box |
Hunter's Lodge LG15 box |
Moonlight And Mountain Lake
LG15 & LG14 boxes
Nature's Paradise LG15 box |
Never Too Late To Learn by Harold Anderson
LG15 & LG25 boxes
Never Too Late LG18 box
Old Grist Mill LG15 box |
The Old Mill (#1) LG15 box |
The Old Town Clock LG15 box |
Path Along The Seine LG15 box |
Peonies by William E. Powell LG15 box |
Picturesque Villa LG15 box |
Pointing A Covey LG15 box |
Roses (#1) (Kodachrome) LG15 box |
Smith River, Oregon LG15 box |
Snowpath To Home LG15 box |
Swinging Down The Lane LG15 box |
Sunset In The Country (#1) by Charles P. Appel LG15 box |
Sunset In The Country (#2) LG15 box
At Close Of Day LG18 box by Garnet Bancroft Fox
Tie Score by Hintermeister LG15 box |
Time To Get Up LG15 box
Twilight Shadows LG15 box
Twilight's Silvery Glow LG15 box