"Alaskan Waters" by Frederick D. Ogden LG15 box |
The Capitol , U.S.A. (#4) LG15 box |
The Columbia River (Union Pacific Railroad Photo) LG15 box |
Cottage And Garden LG15 box |
A Cozy Cottage by W.M. Thompson LG15 & LG14 boxes |
A Day In June (#1) LG15 box |
A Dutch Bargain LG15 box |
The First Snowfall (#2) LG15 box |
Found At Last by Harold Anderson LG15 box |
"The Lone Elm" and "When Shadows Fall" (#2) LG15 boxes |
Murmuring Waters LG15 boxes |
Mustang Running LG15 box |
On Wings Of Evening LG15 box |
The Pioneer Trail LG15 box |
Purple Shadows LG15 & LG14 boxes
Purple Shadows At Twilight Ll13 box
Peaceful Juniata Valley Lp15 box
Riverside Cottages LG15 box |
Silent Winter Night LG15 box |
Snowtime LG15 box |
Spring Hues LG15 box |
Summer Scene LG15 box |
A Sunny Afternoon LG15 box |
Tranquil Mountain Lake LG15 box |
Twilight's Golden Glow LG15 box |
Washington And Nellie Custis by J. L. G. Ferris LG15 box |
Well Protected (#2) LG15 box |
When A Feller Needs A Friend by Kapka LG15 box |
"When Shadows Fall" (#2)
and "The Lone Elm"
LG15 boxes |