The Angelus
by Jean Francois Millet
LG10, LG03, & SM01-03 boxes |
Blue Mountain Camp LG10 box |
Break Of Day LG10 box |
Castle By The Sea LG10 box |
Covered Wagon(s) by F. Grayson Sayre
LG10 box
The Covered Wagon LG11 box
Across Western Prairies LG14 box
A Disturber by Hy Hintermeister LG10 box |
The Flower Mart (#1) LG10 box |
The Flying Cloud by Dey Deribcowsky
LG10 box |
The Gleaners by Jean Francois Millet
LG10 & SM01,02,05 boxes |
The Good Shepherd (#2) LG10 box |
In The Cove LG10 box |
Indian Sweetheart by Wm. Mackenzi yellow LG10 box |
Junetime Is Here LG10 box |
Land Of Midnight Sun LG10 box |
The Last Supper by Leonardo DaVinci LG10 box |
Lure Of The Desert LG10 box |
A Moonlight Melody LG10 box |
Netherland's Twilight LG10 box |
Peace And Contentment (#1) by Frank Corbyn Price LG10 box |
Poppies (#3) LG10 box |
Red Sails In The Sunset LG10 box |
The Shepherdess LG10 box |
Spring Hues LG10 box |
Stratford On Avon LG10 box |
Tranquil Vale (#2) LG10 box |
Venetian Traders LG10 box |